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My experience with Goettler Associates has been nothing short of outstanding. The team helped Union Hospital Foundation to far exceed our capital campaign goal. Goettler Associates was instrumental in the feasibility study phase, pre-campaign planning and implementation of our capital campaign that enabled Union Hospital to open our new 500,000 square foot building project. I would highly recommend Goettler Associates, for they are of the highest integrity and one of the most flexible firms I have ever encountered.
- Jim Bertoli, Executive Director of Alumni Affairs at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology“Through Goettler Associates guidance our campaign significantly increased the community’s awareness of the Hospital. It helped us to make many new friends, and made it much easier to identify and recruit new Foundation board members.”
- Bonnie M. Faulkner, Executive Director, Wilson Memorial Hospital Foundation
Category Archives for Research & Special Reports |
Your Mission? Inspiring Donors!
A recent Gallup poll reminds nonprofit executives and development professionals, once again, of the importance of a strong, meaningful mission and brand. This Gallup research reveals that donors give to organization whose mission aligns with their personal interests and beliefs. Donors also want to give to trustworthy organizations, with solid reputations and brands. Gallup’s research helpfully breaks down […]
Getting to Know Why Donors Give
A recent article by Michael J. Rosen explores why donors give, according to the results of a survey conducted by Abila, a provider of services and software for non-profits. Donors are obviously important to non-profit organizations, but a disconnect can exist between how donors actually interact with the organizations that they support and how said organizations think […]
Newsflash: Capital Campaigns Raise More Money
As reported in the Chronicle of Philanthropy, a recent study by the Nonprofit Research Collaborative reports that in 2015 capital campaigns helped to drive bigger revenues, and that two-thirds of those organizations that were in a capital campaign reported that giving was up. What did you say? This isn’t really shocking news! No, it’s not […]
Just Ask – You’ll be More Successful than You Think
Results of this research reported in the Harvard Business Review support many of the age-old axioms of successful fundraising. Sharing this article with board members and volunteer fundraisers at your next orientation or training meeting may prove to be very effective. Too often, volunteer fundraisers are overly fixated on objections and failures. This article readily […]
How are organizations working with donor advised funds?
Donor-Advised Funds continue to grow in popularity and growth. We recently noted this trend here as well. Is Fidelity, which is but one option for the donor advised fund, really doing a better job promoting the tax-wise benefits of giving than all of our nation’s community foundations and individual charities? What are they offering the […]
More changes for Nonprofit Financial Statements
Just when everyone got comfortable with nonprofit financial statements, and conditional and unconditional promises to give (instead of pledges) it appears as though there may be more changes ahead. Granted, the new accounting rules proposed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board is more technical than most development professionals delve into on a regular basis, these […]
Do We Need to Schedule That Meeting?
This research into the human toll of too many meetings is a real eye-opener. If it’s one thing development officers do — it’s meetings! Meetings with volunteers, donors, committee chairs, colleagues, and department heads, etc. While most development officers do not work in organizational structures this large, we could all benefit from a few less […]
Useful Study Identifies that Donors Have Unique Needs
This article from NPQ (Non Profit Quarterly) reminds development professionals, once again, that each donor to our organizations is unique. They have unique perspectives and unique needs. This research is helpful in further defining and understanding evolving preferences of broad ranges of constituents. Useful Study Reveals Generational Differences in What Engages Donors – NPQ – […]
More predictions about future giving . . . who should we believe?
More predictions about future giving trends have been released, and it differs greatly from another recent industry forecast. Giving USA and the Lilly School have released a very encouraging and optimistic view of the road ahead in 2015 and 2016. For anyone who has been watching the interactions between Giving USA and The Atlas of […]
Unlocking the Key to Male Donors
Anytime we see new and careful research in the industry, it is certainly worth taking a look, especially if it informs the key to male donors. Upon further reflection, and actually reading the research, it does not appear as though the key to unlocking donor generosity has yet been found. To be sure, making any […]