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“Local Matters engaged Goettler Associates to create a financial development plan to accompany our strategic plan. Goettler delved deep into the process, analyzing trends in our revenue streams and monetizing our programmatic goals so that we could make them a reality. In addition, they engaged wonderfully with our board, energizing the group and providing the skills and confidence necessary to make it possible for everyone to ‘make the ask.'”
- Michelle Moskowitz Brown, Executive Director, Local Matters“Through Goettler Associates guidance our campaign significantly increased the community’s awareness of the Hospital. It helped us to make many new friends, and made it much easier to identify and recruit new Foundation board members.”
- Bonnie M. Faulkner, Executive Director, Wilson Memorial Hospital Foundation
Category Archives for Fund Raising |
Active involvement a trigger for donations
We are pleased to see that the study of behavioral economics is picking up on the importance of “active involvement” to the success of private philanthropic organizations. This recent article in the New York Times presents a new twist on a basic tenant of major gift fundraising. The analogy of shareholders is also one that we have […]
IRS introduces new EZ process to apply for non-profit status
The IRS has introduced a new process to apply for non-profit status, in what appears to be an attempt to relieve the backlog of new applications. The typical Form 1023 is one that requires a very significant amount of work and practically requires engaging specialized legal advice before an organization can hope to prevail in […]
Why Fundraising Is Fun
Just last week, a client told me that one of her volunteers said, “I never knew fundraising was going to be so much fun.” That story made Arthur Brooks’ piece in the Sunday New York Times all the more real. At times, it is hard for professional fundraisers to remember why we enjoy our work […]
Digital Giving Index Update (InfoGraphic)
If you like InfoGraphcs, Newtwork for Good has a great new post on their blog that presents a very compelling story for organizations to focus on their digital giving strategy and resources. Take a look, this might help a development officer make the case for investing additional resoruces . . . ============================================== Just Released: The […]
Investing in Wealthy Donors Pays Off
In our view, the most important point of this study is that maintaining a laser focus and investing in wealthy donors is worth the cost. This article at The Chronicle of Philanthropy on an AHP study caught our eye. At first glance, the idea that those organizations that spend more money raise more money doesn’t […]
Shock Therapy for Fundraisers
This post could be listed as shock therapy for fundraisers. Mark Atkinson has posted a fictional letter from Mrs. D. Donor to her favorite charity describing her frustrations. As so many organizations race to the end of the year with a myriad of appeals, this blog post reminds us to work toward placing a greater value […]
Seeking to Understand Donors
Fundraisers seeking to understand donors will find the following article from the New York Times of interest, and a call to work toward identifying the donor’s perspective. This article also presents an interesting perspective of philanthropy from the financial adviser’s view. When working to secure major gifts, the donor’s financial adviser often plays an important […]
Donors Asked to Stop Focusing on Overhead Costs
At long last someone has the courage ask donors to stop focusing on overhead costs, and to say that it’s okay for charities to have effective management and administration. No, 100% of your gift will not immediately go to feed the naked starving babies in the street. Some of your gift might actually be used […]
When Donors Say No – A Time-tested Metric
When donors say No, is one of the time-tested metrics of a robust major gifts campaign. Too many clients and campaign directors will gleefully describe the progress of their campaign with that fact that no one has said ‘No.’ Wrong answer. If you haven’t received ‘No’ you simply haven’t asked enough. This recent post caught […]