Category Archives for Major Gifts

Don’t forget about the SECURE Act

Everyone is talking about the CARES Act and the deep and lasting impact of the corona virus on our lives and our economy. And rightfully so! But when we get back to raising money for our organizations we need to be equally aware of the impact of the SECURE Act. We all know that older […]

Major Gifts Solicitation

Converting Interest and Involvement to Investment The moment will arrive when it is most advantageous to solicit a major gift. The success of the entire development process depends on your ability to recognize that moment and direct staff and volunteers to act upon it wisely. The “Four Ws” of Major Gift Solicitation Who should ask […]

On Second Thought: Move Toward the Next Major Gift Through Stewardship

We owe it to our donors to use their gifts responsibly, in accordance with their wishes. Good stewardship is in our own interest as development professionals. Major donors, in particular, are much more willing to continue their support when they’re given lots of reasons to feel good about their last gift. Making our donors feel […]

Major Gift Metrics: Winning the Numbers Game

Strategies for Success Action is fundamental to fundraising success, but it is managing the right actions that can turn a mediocre effort into a record-breaking performance. This is the factor driving the growth of planning for a major gift metrics program. More than just a buzzword, metrics has been pushed to the front of the […]

Time to Check the Health of Your Major Gifts Program

Planning for Major Gifts The new calendar year arrived once again with the anticipation of growth in our fundraising results and new levels of accomplishment for our organizations. For most development professionals the New Year also begins with zero dollars raised toward our annual goals. The best way to achieve these goals and to fund […]

The Road Ahead in a Changing Marketplace

Responding to Current Market Survey Results The results of our Outlook 2009 on-line survey* painted a clear picture of what most of us already know. . . raising money today is challenging. But, as development professionals are an optimistic lot, let’s focus on the positive and work to find the best path forward. What did […]

Is It Time to Throw Out the Campaign Manual?

Major Gift Strategies for Success As our country works toward recovery from this severe recession, many development professionals are asking if the rules have changed. Is it time to rethink our approach to fund-raising and donor engagement? If there is a call for greater efficiency and effectiveness of your development program, we suggest you take […]

On Second Thought: Is Social Media Right for Your Organization?

The phenomenal impact of social media on the ‘08 Presidential election has spawned a tidal wave of nonprofits that want to put Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and similar applications to work as a fundraising tool. But what is social media? For anyone beyond their 30s, such as board members and possibly chief executives, there remain questions. […]