Category Archives for FRM Issue 71

Chasing Volunteerism

As fundraisers for nonprofit organizations, it is essential that we understand the ebbs and flows of volunteerism in our sector. For many public nonprofit organizations the only thing more important than funding is if, when, why and how individuals engage in volunteerism. Fundraisers should be closely watching the evolving cultural and societal forces impacting volunteerism today.

What do you know about your volunteers?

Do you know your volunteers? Do you know their age, marital status, household income, level of education attained? Are your struggling to refresh the ranks of your volunteer corps? A few years ago a Congressional report stated that “Volunteering rates in the US are no lower than in the 1970s.” Really! Certainly we’ve improved from disco music, bellbottoms, huge sideburns, bad perms, inflation and horribly ugly cars — haven’t we?

Volunteerism between the Generations:

Rates of volunteerism between the generations

On Second Thought: Volunteers Do It Better

Despite the incredible growth and increasing professionalism of the nonprofit sector, some folks may be losing sight of the continuing importance of volunteer fundraisers to the health and vitality of our nonprofit organizations. There are many excellent development officers at work today, for sure; but, the undeniable truth is that when it comes to securing major gifts — volunteers do it better.